
心理諮詢資源 Counseling Resources

心理諮詢資源 Counseling Resources

Bởi 華語中心管理員 KCLC -
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心理諮詢資源 Counseling Resources


1.  國立成功大學心理諮詢資源:


NCKU 幸福魔法屋(成大心輔) http://www.facebook.com/happinessncku




電話: (06)2381187(06)275757555555


2.  校外專業心理諮詢資源:


※衛福部24小時免費心理諮詢服務專線-電話: 1925

※生命線-電話: 1995


1.  NCKU Resources

NCKU happiness magic house (NCKU counseling psychology dept).


Please directly contact CLC office and we will help reserve the counseling for you.


Military division (campus safety division w/24-hour access):

TEL: (06) 2381187 or (06) 2757575 ext. 55555


2.  Out-of-school counseling resources

Professor Chang lifeline-TEL: 1980

Ministry of health and welfare free 24-hour counseling service TEL: 1925

Lifeline-TEL: 1995