
📢【颱風上課資訊 Class info.】臺南市政府宣布,明天(10月3日)停止上班上課。

by 華語中心管理員 KCLC -

🌀颱風山陀兒 海上陸上颱風警報

🌀TYPHOON KRATHON Sea and Land Typhoon Warning Typhoon Warning

📢【颱風上課資訊  Class info.】📢


As announced by Tainan City Hall, with strong winds and rainfall expected, classes and work are called off on Oct. 1.

⚠️颱風安全措施 Typhoon Safety Measure

1⃣請注意颱風最新消息 Keep updated with the latest weather forecast

◉中央氣象局 Central Weather Bureau:



2⃣請準備約3天份的食物及水及其他防颱用品(如:手電筒及備用電池等) Pack a 3-day supply of food & drinking water and other typhoon-proof accessories in advance (e.g. flashlight & batteries, etc.)

3⃣請注意自身安全,盡量待在室內,避免出門 Please watch your own safety and stay indoors.

4⃣停電時,請拔除插座上的電器插頭並使用手電筒照明。若需要離家避難,請關閉總電源。During a power outage, unplug devices and use the flashlight for lighting. Turn off the main power if evacuating.

👉更多防颱資訊請參考For more information regarding Typhoon Safety Measure:

◉內政部消防署National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior 



📢【颱風上課資訊 Class info.】臺南市政府宣布,明天(10月2 日)停止上班上課。

by 華語中心管理員 KCLC -

🌀颱風山陀兒 海上陸上颱風警報

🌀TYPHOON KRATHON Sea and Land Typhoon Warning Typhoon Warning

📢【颱風上課資訊  Class info.】📢


As announced by Tainan City Hall, with strong winds and rainfall expected, classes and work are called off on Oct. 1.

⚠️颱風安全措施 Typhoon Safety Measure

1⃣請注意颱風最新消息 Keep updated with the latest weather forecast

◉中央氣象局 Central Weather Bureau:



2⃣請準備約3天份的食物及水及其他防颱用品(如:手電筒及備用電池等) Pack a 3-day supply of food & drinking water and other typhoon-proof accessories in advance (e.g. flashlight & batteries, etc.)

3⃣請注意自身安全,盡量待在室內,避免出門 Please watch your own safety and stay indoors.

4⃣停電時,請拔除插座上的電器插頭並使用手電筒照明。若需要離家避難,請關閉總電源。During a power outage, unplug devices and use the flashlight for lighting. Turn off the main power if evacuating.

👉更多防颱資訊請參考For more information regarding Typhoon Safety Measure:

◉內政部消防署National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior 



📢【颱風上課資訊 Class info.】臺南市政府宣布,明天(10月1 日)停止上班上課。

by 華語中心管理員 KCLC -

🌀颱風山陀兒 海上陸上颱風警報

🌀TYPHOON KRATHON Sea and Land Typhoon Warning Typhoon Warning

📢【颱風上課資訊  Class info.】📢


As announced by Tainan City Hall, with strong winds and rainfall expected, classes and work are called off on Oct. 1.

⚠️颱風安全措施 Typhoon Safety Measure

1⃣請注意颱風最新消息 Keep updated with the latest weather forecast

◉中央氣象局 Central Weather Bureau:



2⃣請準備約3天份的食物及水及其他防颱用品(如:手電筒及備用電池等) Pack a 3-day supply of food & drinking water and other typhoon-proof accessories in advance (e.g. flashlight & batteries, etc.)

3⃣請注意自身安全,盡量待在室內,避免出門 Please watch your own safety and stay indoors.

4⃣停電時,請拔除插座上的電器插頭並使用手電筒照明。若需要離家避難,請關閉總電源。During a power outage, unplug devices and use the flashlight for lighting. Turn off the main power if evacuating.

👉更多防颱資訊請參考For more information regarding Typhoon Safety Measure:

◉內政部消防署National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior 



2025冬季班課程續讀意願調查與申請 Survey & Application Form for 2025 Winter Quarter

by 華語中心管理員 KCLC -









一、 學費優惠

1.      舊生於1122繳清2025冬季班的正式生課程學費,則享有學費95折優惠(5% off)

2.      本校學位生為小班正式生(每週10小時小班綜合語言課+ 5小時選修課; 10週課程)者,於1122日之前付清學費,則享有學費8折優惠(20% off)

3.      本校學位生為小班非正式生(每週10小時小班綜合語言課; 10週課程)者,於1122日之前付清學費,則享有學費9折優惠(10% off)



1. 小班正式生學費: TWD 29,200

2. 小班非正式生學費:TWD 22,000

3. 單班正式生學費:TWD 71,000

4. 舊生報名費:TWD 500



1.      小班正式生學費: TWD 27,740 (原價TWD 29,200 * 95%)

2.      單班正式生學費: TWD 67,450 (原價TWD 71,000 * 95%)

3.      舊生報名費:TWD 500



1.      小班正式生學費:TWD 23,360 (原價TWD 29,200 * 80%)

2.      小班非正式生學費:TWD 19,800 (原價TWD 22,000 * 90%)

3.      報名費:TWD 500



1. 20241122

2. CLC將於學生繳完相關費用後寄出課表。學生必須繳完學費後才可進行選課及上課。



1.      請妥善保存此學生證,若不小心遺失或人為損壞,須另支付重製費用TWD 150

2.      繳完2025冬季班學費後,請拿收據與CLC學生證至辦公室於CLC學生證背面蓋註冊章

3.      續讀2025冬季班的正式生於2024秋季班結束至2025冬季班開始之前的假期間仍可使用學生證的圖書館門禁(含借書)功能。

4.      若有於國立成功大學圖書館借閱書籍,請記得於季班結束以前,將借閱的書籍歸還至圖書館。



2025冬季班課程表及行事曆將在1127寄發至你的電子信箱。若在當天下午五點後還沒收到課程資訊,請寫信至 z10707015@email.ncku.edu.tw詢問。







外國人逾期停留或居留者處罰金額為TWD 10,000 ~ TWD 50,000。請留意簽證/居留證的期限,如需延長簽證/居留證,請自行準備相關資料並到辦公室申請「在學證明」及「出席證明」。您必須以線上的方式進行居留證申請或延長。







Dear CLC Student,


 The 2024 Autumn Quarter will end on Nov. 22. Thank you for joining us and hope you have a wonderful learning experience in our center. The next quarter, 2025 Winter Quarter, will be during Dec. 9, 2024 to Feb. 21, 2025.


No matter you plan to continue or not for 2025 Winter Quarter, please kindly fill out the google form below before Nov. 1, 2024 for your willingness.

Survey & Application Form for 2025 Winter Quarter



ATuition Discount

1.     Continuing and Returning Full-time Students who pay the tuition fees before Nov. 22 will get a 5% discount on the tuition in 2025 Winter Quarter.

2.     NCKU Degree Students who pay the tuition fee before Nov. 22 will get a 20% discount on the tuition when registering as Full-time Students of Small Group Classes (10-hour small group comprehensive language courses + 5-hour elective classes; 10 weeks).

3.     NCKU Degree Students who pay the tuition fee before Nov.22 will get a 10% discount on the tuition when registering as Part-time students of Small Group Classes (10-hour small group comprehensive language courses; 10 weeks).


BTuition and Fees

1. Full-time Student of Small Group Class: TWD 29,200

2. Part-time Student of Small Group Class: TWD 22,000

3. Full-time Student of Individual Class: TWD 71,000

4. Enrollment Fee: TWD 500


If you pay the tuition fee before Nov. 22

1.      Full-time Student of Small Group Class: TWD 27,740 (Original Tuition: TWD 29,200 * 95%)

2.      Full-time Student of Individual Class: TWD 67,450 (Original Tuition: TWD 71,000 * 95%)

3.      Enrollment Fee: TWD 500


For NCKU Degree Students who pay the tuition fee before Nov. 22

1. Full-time Student of Small Group Class: TWD 23,360 (Original Tuition: TWD 29,200 * 80%)

2. Part-time Student of Small Group Class: TWD 19,800 (Original Tuition: TWD 22,000 * 90%)

3. Enrollment Fee: TWD 500


CPayment Deadline

Nov. 22, 2024

■ CLC will send the class schedule after the student make the relevant fees. Students must pay the tuition before selecting courses or attending the class.

D、  CLC Student CardIncluding Access Control Function

1.     Please keep this card properly. If you lose or accidentally damage it, you will need to pay TWD 150 for a new one.

2.     After making the payment for 2025 Winter Quarter, please come to CLC office with the receipt and CLC student card to have the registration stamp.

3.     Full-time students who continue to study for 2025 Winter Quarter can use the Library Access Function (including borrowing books) during the Quarter break before the 2025 Winter Quarter starts.

4.     Please return all your borrowed books to the library before the end of this Quarter.


E、  Class schedule

Class schedule of the 2025 Winter Quarter will be emailed to you on Nov.27. If you do not receive the course information after 5 p.m. on that day, please e-mail to z10707015@email.ncku.edu.tw to request.


F、   Transcript

For students who will continue studying in 2025 Winter Quarter, transcript of 2024 Autumn Quarter will be given on the first week of the 2025 Winter Quarter; for those who do not have the plan to continue studying, please provide us your name and address via Google form. Your transcript will be sent by post 3 weeks after the Autumn Quarter ends.



G、  Visa/ARC

Foreigners overstay with Visitor Visa or ARC will be fined TWD 10,000 ~ TWD 50,000. Please mind your Visa/ARC expiration date. If you need “Enrollment Certificate“ and “Attendance Record” to extend your Visa/ARC, please come to the office in person to fill out the application form. Please mind that ARC application/extension has to be done online.


Online Application for ARC Extension



H、  Skip a level in the next quarter

If you would like to skip a level in the next quarter, please apply and join the skip-a-level test within one week after the final exam of this quarter.

教育部「性別平等法」與「跟蹤騷擾法」防治觀念宣導。 Introduction of “Gender Equity Education Act” And “Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act”

by 華語中心管理員 KCLC -

🔸 教育部「性別平等法」與「跟蹤騷擾法」防治觀念宣導 🔸

🔸 Introduction of “Gender Equity Education Act” and “Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act”. 🔸

🎬 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h-YEjVXtpP_LpzIMjKsnKaxPl8migHj8/view 
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