


de 華語中心管理員 KCLC -
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Ø  國立成功大學華語文獎學金(相關規定及辦法

  • 申請資格:目前為成功大學華語中心之學生,具有外國國籍(中國、大陸、香港及澳門除外)且具有學士學位。
  • 申請截止日期:2025131
  • 結果公告日期2025224
  • 申請文件:請將以下文件(AF)合併成一個PDF檔案,並寄至overseas@ncku.edu.tw

A. 獎學金申請表(如附檔)

B. 護照或身分證件

C. 最高學歷證明

D. 成績單

E. 台灣駐外代表處、成功大學或成大華語中心指導老師所撰寫之推薦信

F. 其他有利文件


Ø  2025年秋季班入學申請


Dear Student,


Warmest Greetings from NCKU Office of International Affairs (OIA)!


We are happy to announce that the NCKU Chinese Language Scholarship is now open for application. Moreover, the deadline for the 2025 Fall Semester Admission Application has been extended to March 16, 2025. Here, we would like to share both the scholarship and admission application information with you. If you are interested in applying for the scholarship and admission, please refer to the following content:


Ø  NCKU Chinese Language Scholarship (click to view the Guidelines):

Ÿ   Eligibility: Current NCKU CLC students with foreign nationalities (except China, HK, Macao) and with bachelor’s degree.

Ÿ   Application Deadline: 1/31

Ÿ   Result Announcement: 2/24

Ÿ   Application Documents: Please prepare and merge the following documents (A to F) into 1 PDF file and email it to us. (Email: overseas@ncku.edu.tw)

  1. Scholarship application form (Attachment)
  2. Photocopy of passport or certificate of nationality
  3. Photocopy of highest degree diploma/certificate
  4. Photocopy of transcript from your home university
  5. A letter of recommendation from an overseas representative office of Taiwan or an advisor from NCKU or NCKU CLC.
  6. Other supportive documents for review

Note: Your NCKU Chinese Language Center (CLC) Transcript and Records of attendance will be taken into consideration.


Ø  2025 Fall Semester Admission Application:

Ÿ   2025 Fall Admission Application Deadline: 23:59 March 16, 2025 (Taiwan Time)

Ÿ   Application website: Application Webpage

Ÿ   Programs on offer and the required documents for application: AY2025/26 Admission Prospectus

Note: Those who apply for 6 months of the NCKU Chinese Language Scholarship are required to sign up for the admission application.